01 May 2010

30 DaYs of CraFTiNg

It's that time of year again. My birthday's coming up and my Sweet Hubby asked me what I wanted this year and I, without hesitation, replied "Buffalo Wild Wings" (ok, so I was apparently hungry at the time!). Thankfully, he asked me again assuming I wasn't serious about bonessless wings (which I totally was) and this time I actually thought about my answer... It didn't take me long to realize all I wanted was 30 days of guilt-free crafting.

I have been desperately missing making things with my hands. I started an interior decorating business right before I had my son, CJ. Shortly after that Miss Mak came along and two little ones make leaving the house nearly impossible. So my problem... I'm a creator and always have been and the lack of creative juices has been driving me crazy! I had resorted to surfing the web and seeing postings of what other people have been keeping busy with and managed to find great hands-on ideas on blogs which lead to more blogs with great ideas which were linked to more blogs... and so on. I started keeping a "someday-maybe" list of all the ideas I wanted to try and as I looked it over I assumed I'd never actually get to most of them. Then it dawned on me... I need a creative challenge and this list is it! So here it is, my birthday present from Sweet Hubby in beautiful blog form!

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